It is a reasonable and frequently asked question by patients in my daily practice but it’s not easy to answer. About 10% of people are what we call “Acupuncture Strong Responders.” It means that they will notice benefit from just a few sessions. On the other about 10% of people we consider “Acupuncture Non-Responders.” These people will not benefit from acupuncture, no matter how many treatments they receive. The remaining 80% of people fall somewhere in between these two groups.
If you respond well to the therapy, you should notice some positive changes within 3-4 sessions. It does not mean that your symptoms are gone within this period, only that your symptoms are less severe, you are sleeping more restfully or you are having more “good days” than you did before. It is an encouraging result suggesting that you will continue care, and you will experience more and more relief. Young people in good health with acute problems for example, a minor ankle sprain often require 2-3 treatments. Older individuals and those with chronic health problems usually take a longer period of treatment.
It can divide into three phases:
⚡️ Corrective care: Treatments are scheduled regularly, 2-3 times per week in severe cases. The goal is to relieve symptoms.
⚡️ Convalescent care: The treatments are scheduled every two weeks. The goal is to keep symptoms under control while addressing underlying disharmonies and preventing future problems.
⚡️ Maintenance care: The treatments are scheduled once a month. During this phase, the goal is to maintain our progress and promote overall well-being.
The length of time on each phase determined by several factors, including:
1. Acute or chronic problem?
2. How long have you had the symptoms?
3. Can you avoid the conditions that caused problems?
4. Your age?
5. Your general state of health?
6. Can you follow the diet and lifestyle recommendation?